The Biotta Farmers

Meet our organic farmers

The or­ganic farm­ers, who work for us, all have decades of ex­pe­ri­ence in grow­ing veg­eta­bles or­gan­i­cally. They are also ded­i­cated to the cause, and have an eye for de­tail.

On their lov­ingly tended, fer­tile land, they grow the car­rots, beet­root, pota­toes or cel­ery which give the fa­mous Biotta juices their un­ri­valled aroma and ar­che­typal flavour.

Most of the or­ganic veg­eta­bles used in our juices are sourced from the re­gion around the Biotta fac­tory, on the south shore of Lake Con­stance - a re­gion which en­joys a per­fect cli­mate for the pur­pose. In other words: short, di­rect routes from the field to the bot­tle. Per­fect tim­ing is of the essence here. Gen­er­ally speak­ing, sea­sonal pro­duce has to be processed fresh, within a few hours of be­ing har­vested.

We be­lieve in of­fer­ing our or­ganic farm­ers fair part­ner­ships. We are com­mit­ted to sup­port­ing or­ganic farm­ing in Switzer­land, and en­joy re­la­tion­ships of trust with our part­ners, who have cul­ti­va­tion con­tracts with us, and whom we know per­son­ally. We cul­ti­vate long-term re­la­tion­ships with our farm­ers. And of course we make sure we pay a fair price for the valu­able nat­ural pro­duce we re­ceive. For us, fair trade be­gins at home - right in front of our fac­tory gates in Täger­wilen (Thur­gau).

Biotta farmer Dieter Schächtle on his fields