Please do take a look at our most frequently asked customer questions. You may find your question has already been answered there.

Sup­port for or­ganic farm­ing and a fo­cus on ex­clu­sively or­ganic prod­ucts is a mind­set we adopted right from the start in 1957. This phi­los­o­phy calls for the sus­tain­able use of the soil, the con­ser­va­tion of bio­di­ver­sity and the pru­dent use of all re­sources. That’s why we avoid us­ing pes­ti­cides and ar­ti­fi­cial fer­tilis­ers.

This cul­ti­va­tion method also has an im­pact on the pro­duce. For ex­am­ple, it has been demon­strated that or­gan­i­cally farmed foods con­tain more sec­ondary plant com­pounds, known as phy­tonu­tri­ents, than pro­duce from con­ven­tional farm­ing. Stud­ies have shown that the phy­tonu­tri­ents in fruits and veg­eta­bles can have an­tiox­i­dant, an­timi­cro­bial anti-in­flam­ma­tory ef­fects on the hu­man body.

Nat­u­ral­ness and the con­ser­va­tion of nat­ural re­sources are also our guide­lines when it comes to fur­ther pro­cess­ing. And our prod­ucts re­flect this by do­ing with­out any ad­di­tives (dyes, added vi­t­a­mins, preser­v­a­tives, etc.). Our juices are 100% fresh-squeezed and not re­con­sti­tuted from con­cen­trate.

Our juices are avail­able through­out Switzer­land. You’ll find them in your lo­cal su­per­mar­ket and an even wider se­lec­tion in drug­stores, phar­ma­cies and health food shops. You can also or­der Biotta juices on­line: for a se­lec­tion of Swiss on­line shops see our web­site, un­der “On­line Shops”.

Con­cen­trates are of­ten used in the in­dus­trial pro­duc­tion of juices. This method en­tails ex­tract­ing wa­ter from the fruit or veg­etable in ques­tion to pro­duce a fruit/​veg­etable con­cen­trate. This con­cen­trate is eas­ier to trans­port, and can be stored for longer, as its high fruc­tose con­tent acts as a preser­v­a­tive. When it reaches its des­ti­na­tion, the con­cen­trate is then di­luted with wa­ter and bot­tled as juice. This has lit­tle in com­mon with freshly pressed pure juice. Be­cause valu­able nu­tri­ents can eas­ily be lost us­ing this method, Biotta does not use con­cen­trates on prin­ci­ple, and of­fers only pre­mium freshly pressed pure juices made from or­gan­i­cally grown, just-har­vested fruits and veg­eta­bles in an op­ti­mum state of ripeness. This is the best way to pre­serve their typ­i­cal flavours, vi­t­a­mins and vi­tal phy­tonu­tri­ents.

Through gen­tle heat­ing and quick­est pos­si­ble cool­ing. Biotta juices sold in glass bot­tles are bot­tled hot, and the filled bot­tles are then cooled down by sprin­kling them with wa­ter. In con­trast, the Biotta Veg­gies and the Trak­tor smooth­ies and juices sold in plas­tic bot­tles are briefly heated, im­me­di­ately cooled down, bot­tled cold and then stored in a cool place.

All juices of the Biotta Clas­sic range have been pas­teurised for preser­va­tion pur­poses. This how­ever does not mean that the juices con­tain no vi­t­a­mins and min­er­als. The longer and the higher the pe­riod of pas­teuri­sa­tion, the more harm­ful it is for vi­t­a­mins. Biot­ta's gen­tle process, which pre­serves most of the nu­tri­ents, heats the juice rapidly and cools it rapidly down again. The pro­duc­tion process is car­ried out in a min­i­mum num­ber of steps. Oxy­gen is largely kept out of the process, pre­vent­ing ox­i­da­tion and thus the loss of vi­t­a­mins.

Biotta Vita 7 con­tains whey - which means it also con­tains lac­tose.

All nu­tri­tional val­ues are listed in de­tail on our prod­uct la­bels. If you read these care­fully, you should be able to work out which juices are most suit­able for you. Your lo­cal phar­ma­cist should also be able to ad­vise you here.

Sorry - but no! These teas are de­signed ex­clu­sively for these two Biotta weeks, and are not sold sep­a­rately.

Yes, Trak­tor smooth­ies and juices joined the Biotta fam­ily in 2013, and are now pro­duced in our pro­duc­tion plant in Täger­wilen (TG).

Biotta has been avail­able in its clas­sic glass bot­tle since 1957. Glass is best for pro­tect­ing the vi­t­a­mins and phy­tonu­tri­ents in Biotta prod­ucts. We reg­u­larly check the en­vi­ron­men­tal bal­ance for glass bot­tles. The re­cy­cling rate for glass in Switzer­land is among the high­est in the world, so dis­pos­able glass bot­tles per­form very well in the life cy­cle as­sess­ment.

But new con­sumer be­hav­iour calls for new so­lu­tions: in­creas­ingly, peo­ple want to eat and drink on the go, yet with­out mak­ing any com­pro­mises when it comes to taste and a bal­anced diet. To ac­com­mo­date this trend, we now of­fer Biotta Fresh, SMOO’TEAs, Boost­ers and Trak­tor prod­ucts - juices, smooth­ies and shots- in handy plas­tic bot­tles. We did­n’t take this step lightly. But the in­cred­i­bly high re­cy­cling rate for plas­tic bot­tles in Switzer­land fi­nally con­vinced us it was the right move.


Biotta plas­tic bot­tles com­ply with food safety reg­u­la­tions and do not emit any sub­stances that are harm­ful to health.

More in­for­ma­tion: http://​www.bfr.bund.de/​de/​aus­ge­waehlte_fra­gen_und_antworten_zu_pet_flaschen-10007.html

Biotta Vita 7 and Biotta Well­ness con­tain whey and are hence not suit­able for ve­g­ans. All other juices and smooth­ies are 100% ve­gan.

In many cases Biotta juices con­tain the vi­t­a­mins and min­er­als that oc­cur nat­u­rally in fruit and veg­eta­bles. How­ever, Swiss food reg­u­la­tions stip­u­late that only those vi­t­a­mins and min­er­als whose con­tent per 100ml of juice is at least 7.5 per­cent of the daily re­quire­ment for adults may be la­belled on the prod­uct. If this con­di­tion is met, you will find the vi­t­a­mins listed on the la­bel on the back of the Biotta bot­tle. If this statu­tory thresh­old is not reached, we are un­for­tu­nately not al­lowed to men­tion the vi­t­a­mins and min­er­als on the la­bel.

None of the vi­t­a­mins and min­er­als in Biotta juices are ar­ti­fi­cially added – they are all nat­u­rally pre­sent in the fruit and veg­eta­bles.

Phar­ma­cies and drug­stores of­ten have a wide se­lec­tion of Biotta juices on of­fer. Sales­per­sons here should be able to ad­vise you on in­gre­di­ents and rec­om­mended daily in­take. Please note that, un­der the Health Claim Reg­u­la­tions, we are not al­lowed to of­fer any health ad­vice.

We use the best in or­gan­i­cally grown veg­eta­bles from Swiss farms, many of them in the lo­cal re­gion. Other in­gre­di­ents for Biotta juices are sourced from all around the world. That’s be­cause Switzer­land still does­n’t have ba­nana or mango plan­ta­tions. But even when it comes to goods from abroad, we build long-last­ing re­la­tion­ships of trust with our part­ners, who ob­serve strict or­ganic guide­lines and en­sure fair work­ing con­di­tions on their farms.