

Back in 1957, there were no guide­lines for or­ganic farm­ing, no seals of ap­proval, no cer­ti­fi­ca­tion. But there was Biotta car­rot juice, for ex­am­ple. Our com­pany, then still called “Gemüse­bau AG Täger­wilen” (Täger­wilen Veg­etable Grow­ing Group) was one of the first farms in Switzer­land to grow food or­gan­i­cally.

In 1961, to re­flect our be­lief in the fu­ture of or­ganic farm­ing, we changed our name and be­came: Biotta. Unswerv­ingly, we take our stand against fast-food cul­ture, coun­ter­ing it with an in­creas­ingly colour­ful range of veg­etable and fruit juices. 100% nat­ural, 100% or­ganic.

The ma­jor mile­stones in Biot­ta’s his­tory of or­ganic suc­cess:

1931 The “Gemüse­bau AG Täger­wilen” is founded.

1951 The busi­ness con­verts to or­ganic meth­ods, be­com­ing one of the first or­ganic farms in Switzer­land.

1957 Or­ganic car­rot juice is pressed, bot­tled and launched on the mar­ket as the first ever Biotta juice.

1961 Dr. Hugo Bran­den­berger takes over the juice pro­duc­tion. As a pi­o­neer, he is con­vinced that or­ganic farm­ing has a fu­ture. For more than forty years, he con­tin­ues to suc­cess­fully de­velop or­ganic farm­ing meth­ods, juice pro­duc­tion and a grow­ing range of veg­etable and fruit juices.

2005 In his search for a suit­able suc­ces­sor, Dr. Hugo Bran­den­berger sells his juice fac­tory to the Thurella Group, a drinks man­u­fac­turer from east Switzer­land.

2011 Nat­ural Biotta juices be­come Thurel­la’s main­stay. Two in­no­va­tions, Biotta PUR und Biotta En­ergy, are launched on the mar­ket.

2012 Trak­tor Smooth­ies from Zurich are brought into pro­duc­tion at Biotta. Biotta now also pro­duces or­ganic smooth­ies un­der the “Trak­tor” brand name.

2014 Biotta Veg­gies are launched on the mar­ket. For the first time ever, Biotta prod­ucts are now also to be found in the chiller cab­i­net aisle.

2018 The ORIOR Group takes over Biotta AG, the pi­o­neer in 100% nat­ural and or­ganic veg­etable and fruit juices.


The Biotta team con­sists of some 60 em­ploy­ees - from ac­coun­tants to food tech­ni­cians. Every day, new prod­uct ideas are be­ing de­vel­oped on the orig­i­nal Biotta premises - ideas which are then turned into re­al­ity right next door in the pro­duc­tion build­ing. We co­op­er­ate closely to of­fer our cus­tomers ex­cel­lent Biotta juices.