Save the carrots!

What do you do when even the best carrots are hard to sell and perfectly good food threatens to go to waste Together with the association Grassrooted and Coop, we turned 30 tons of organic carrots into delicious organic carrot juice.

A whole field of colour­ful or­ganic car­rots from Zurich’s Wein­land was to be ploughed un­der again as the car­rots could not be sold. The Grass­rooted as­so­ci­a­tion from Zurich, which is com­mit­ted to fight­ing food waste, bought the car­rots from the farmer and went look­ing for part­ners to make use of the flaw­less pro­duce. They found will­ing col­lab­o­ra­tors in Biotta and Coop. At the Biotta plant on Lake Con­stance we processed the car­rots of the White Satin, Or­ange Mal­bec and Pur­ple Elite va­ri­eties into the finest or­ganic car­rot juice. Thanks to Coop, the lim­ited edi­tion “To­gether against food waste” could be of­fered on the Swiss re­tail mar­ket. The part­ners car­ried out the pro­ject in no time and gave it their whole­hearted sup­port. This cam­paign demon­strates just how strong we are when we work to­gether to set an ex­am­ple against food waste. And the ini­tia­tive is com­pletely in line with our core prin­ci­ples: “re­spect for na­ture” and “re­spect for peo­ple”.

Click here to watch the Face­book video.