Hemp - A forgotten but exciting plant!

In Switzerland, people are rediscovering the valuable contribution which hemp can make to our diet. Biotta processes hemp blossom in its new drink Vital Plus. Organic farmer Klaus B öhler is responsible for delivering the raw materials.

Dark green ser­rated leaves sway gen­tly in the wind. Six weeks af­ter sow­ing, the hemp plants in Klaus Böh­ler’s field in Seuzach have reached ma­tu­rity and shine in all their glory. Older peo­ple will re­mem­ber hemp as a plant used by the tex­tile in­dus­try. But it’s re­cently been re­dis­cov­ered for its health ben­e­fits, which are only now be­ing re­searched in more de­tail. In his field, Klaus grows the raw ma­te­ri­als for Biot­ta’s lat­est cre­ation, Vi­tal Plus. Ac­cord­ing to ex­perts, this in­no­v­a­tive com­bi­na­tion of freshly pressed cran­berry juice and hemp blos­som tea can help al­le­vi­ate cer­tain gy­nae­co­log­i­cal com­plaints.

Farmer Klaus Böh­ler loves the plant be­cause it grows quickly, is re­sis­tant to dis­ease and is good for the soil. Since en­ter­ing into a part­ner­ship with Biotta, Böh­ler has li­aised with Urs Di­et­rich to fur­ther de­velop the hemp pro­ject. Di­et­rich, an ex­pe­ri­enced food tech­ni­cian and head of De­vel­op­ment at Biotta, vis­its the farm on a daily ba­sis once the plants have reached ma­tu­rity and checks the taste of the hemp leaves. Be­cause Biotta needs to make sure the plants are har­vested at just the right mo­ment – as soon as the buds have opened.

Hemp grows fast and is disease resistant

Har­vest­ing be­gins early in the morn­ing, as soon as the dew has dried. In the nearby dry­ing fa­cil­ity, wa­ter is gen­tly ex­tracted from the hemp plants and blos­som to en­sure the es­sen­tial oils and nu­tri­ents are pre­served to the great­est de­gree pos­si­ble. Once dried, the hemp plants are trans­ported to Biot­ta’s head­quar­ters in Täger­wilen TG. The close ge­o­graph­i­cal prox­im­ity of the two lo­ca­tions is ideal for Biotta, as the com­pany at­taches great im­por­tance to keep­ing trans­port dis­tances as short as pos­si­ble and work­ing hand in hand with their part­ners. In Täger­wilen, Klaus Böh­ler’s dried hemp is brewed into tea and then blended with fresh cran­berry juice, or­ange juice and date syrup to cre­ate the fi­nal prod­uct.

Farmer Klaus Böh­ler loves drink­ing hemp tea him­self. He brews it us­ing freshly plucked leaves from his field. The tea helps him to re­lax, he claims.