Freshly pressed tatties!

Eu­gen and Irene Ae­bli have been run­ning their 250-yr old farm since the 1970s. A small or­ganic farm, it is sit­u­ated in the heart of Täger­wilen – which is also home to the Biotta juice fac­tory. On their three hectares of land, the Ae­bli fam­ily mainly grows pota­toes, with beet­root and cel­ery as side­lines. The re­gion around Lake Con­stance is ideal for grow­ing pota­toes – or “Herdöpfel”, as they are called in lo­cal di­alect. Glac­ier wa­ter nour­ishes the plant with im­por­tant nu­tri­ents. Nat­u­rally, the land has to be worked reg­u­larly too. A mean­ing­ful and rig­or­ous sys­tem of crop ro­ta­tion is vi­tal, which means us­ing the land to grow dif­fer­ent plants. This en­sures that the soil is not over­ex­ploited, re­tain­ing its nu­tri­ents and stay­ing fer­tile long-term. Over the course of al­most four decades, Eu­gen Ae­bli has ac­quired a great deal of knowl­edge about agri­cul­ture. He im­ple­ments this knowl­edge rig­or­ously in his every­day work, and shares his ex­per­tise with his chil­dren and work­ers. Ae­bli at­taches great im­por­tance to pass­ing his knowl­edge on to the next gen­er­a­tion – be­cause this is the only way to en­sure the fu­ture suc­cess of the farm. In the early au­tumn, when the har­vest is ready, the Ae­bli fields bus­tle with ac­tiv­ity. The three grown-up chil­dren help with the har­vest. As soon as the pota­toes have been har­vested, they are brought to the Biotta fac­tory, which is lo­cated just a cou­ple of hun­dred me­tres from the farm. Here, they are pressed into top-qual­ity or­ganic potato juice. Lo­cal, or­ganic pro­duce, short trans­fer dis­tances and swift pro­cess­ing all con­tribute to make the end prod­uct highly sus­tain­able. Eu­gen Ae­bli is proud to be part of it.