When cabbage is bottled

Ad­mit­tedly, sauer­kraut juice is some­thing for true con­nois­seurs, but it’s hard to imag­ine the Biotta range with­out it. Be­hind this juice, just like all our prod­ucts, there are of course ded­i­cated or­ganic farm­ers who har­vest only the best cab­bage. This is the only way we can pro­duce a tasty, mild juice from cab­bage.

Grow­ing round cab­bage is de­mand­ing and takes time. This is be­cause the in­signif­i­cant cab­bage ab­sorbs nu­mer­ous nu­tri­ents from the soil. It can only be planted again in the same field 5 years af­ter the last har­vest. Crop ro­ta­tion is a prac­tice that pro­tects the soil and pre­serves it in the long term. This ap­proach plays an es­sen­tial role, es­pe­cially in or­ganic farm­ing. It gives the soil time to re­cover and re­main fer­tile, work­ing with na­ture rather than at its ex­pense.