Guava Lemon

The fresh summer thirst quencher.



All aboard! The bus to the beach is about to set off! Our guava and cit­rus smoothie is won­der­fully sunny: trop­i­cal vibes mix with tangy cit­rus notes to con­jure up a light, re­fresh­ing every­day drink that will make the sum­mer last a lit­tle while longer. 

Grape juice*, rose­mary ex­tract*, ap­ple juice*, ba­nana puree*, guava puree*, lemon juice*, el­der­berry juice*, gin­ger juice*. 

Pas­teur­ized. *from or­ganic cul­ti­va­tion

Nutritional value per 100 ml:
Energy200 kJ (49 kcal)
- of which saturates
0 g
0 g
- of which sugars*
11 g
10 g
Proteins0 g
Salt0.01 g
*contains naturally occuring sugars

Al­ler­gens: Con­tains no al­ler­gens sub­ject to de­c­la­ra­tion.