Demeter Beetroot-Lemon-Ginger

The harmonious taste of Demeter beetroot


  • Potassium for healthy blood pressure

  • With Swiss beetroot fresh from the field

A har­mo­nious juice blend of the high­est Deme­ter qual­ity made from beet­root fresh from the field com­bined with grape juice, a hint of lemon and re­fresh­ing gin­ger. With a veg­etable con­tent of 60% and nat­ural potas­sium from the beet­root, this fine mix from the or­ganic pi­o­neer Biotta is ideal as an every­day en­ergy booster that is fruity yet tart. Beet­root lovers are not the only ones who will en­joy this unique juice cre­ation. 

Biotta Beet­root-Lemon-Gin­ger is a source of potas­sium. The potas­sium from one glass (200ml) of the juice helps main­tain nor­mal blood pres­sure.

Beet­root juice* (59%) (Switzer­land), grape juice*, or­ange juice*, lemon juice* (5%), gin­ger juice* (2%). Pas­teur­ized. 

*From bio­dy­namic agri­cul­ture (Deme­ter).

Nutritional value per 100 ml:
Energy210kJ (50 kcal)
➜ of which saturates
0.1 g
0 g
➜ of which sugars*
12 g
11 g
Protein0.8 g
Dietary fiber0.1 g
Salt0.07 g
Potassium270 mg (14% NRV)
* contains naturally occuring sugars

Al­ler­gens: Con­tains no de­clar­able al­ler­gens.