Vital Shot Energy Grape Guarana

My natural recharge


  • With 32mg natural caffeine (53mg / 100ml)

  • Natural and without artificial additives

  • 100% organic and vegan

The Vi­tal Shot En­ergy pro­vides the en­ergy you need when con­cen­tra­tion wanes or af­ter­noon fa­tigue gets to you. The nat­ural caf­feine of the guarana is re­leased only grad­u­ally by the body, giv­ing you long-last­ing en­ergy to go the ex­tra mile.

Cas­sis juice*, grape juice*, or­ange juice*, mango puree*, agave syrup*, guarana ex­tract pow­der*, lime juice*. Pas­teur­ized. 

*Or­gan­i­cally grown.

Nutritional value per 100 ml:
Energy270 kJ (65 kcal)
Fat0 g
- of which sugars
16 g
15 g
Protein0 g
Salt0.05 g

In­creased caf­feine con­tent (53mg/​100ml). Not rec­om­mended for chil­dren and preg­nant or lac­tat­ing women. Con­sume only in lim­ited quan­ti­ties.