Vital Immun

The natural boost for your immune system

  • With valuable wheat germ oil

  • Vitamin A+C for the immune system

Biotta Vi­tal Im­mun unites two su­per berries: acerola cherry and sea buck­thorn. Both the trop­i­cal acerola cherry and the tiny or­ange sea buck­thorn berry are burst­ing with vi­t­a­min C. Just one glass (200 ml) of the blend fully cov­ers the rec­om­mended daily al­lowance of vi­t­a­min C. Vi­t­a­min C con­tributes to the nor­mal func­tion­ing of the im­mune sys­tem. Thanks to top-qual­ity or­ganic car­rot juice, Biotta Vi­tal Im­mun is also rich in vi­t­a­min A from beta-carotene with one glass (200 ml) pro­vid­ing 60% of the rec­om­mended daily al­lowance. Last but not least, the juice has been en­riched with valu­able wheat germ oil to en­hance ab­sorp­tion of fat-sol­u­ble vi­t­a­min A. Blended with ap­ple and or­ange juice, we have cre­ated a har­mo­nious - and de­li­cious - fruit and veg­etable mix that sup­ports the im­mune sys­tem!

 Biotta Vi­tal Im­mun is avail­able in phar­ma­cies, drug­stores, health food stores and or­ganic food mar­kets.

Or­ange juice, ap­ple juice, car­rot juice, acerola puree, mango puree, sea buck­thorn puree, gin­ger juice, lemon juice con­cen­trate, wheat germ oil, lemon juice. From or­ganic farm­ing.

Nutritional value per 100 ml:
Energy170 kJ (40 kcal)
- of which saturates
0.2 g
0 g
- of which sugars*
8 g
7.8 g
Proteins0.4 g
Salt0.02 g
Vitamin C40 mg (50% NRV)
Vitamin A (from beta-carotene)240 µg (30% NRV)
*contains naturally occuring sugars