Vital Cranberry

The natural boost for your well-being

  • 428 mg PAC Proanthocyanidins / 100ml

  • 40% mountain cranberry juice & Swiss hemp flower tea

Hand-picked or­ganic moun­tain cran­ber­ries meet Swiss hemp flower tea in Biotta Vi­tal Plus. Or­ganic moun­tain cran­ber­ries are a tried-and-tested Biotta sta­ple: Em­ploy­ing only the gen­tlest pro­cess­ing meth­ods, Biotta has been trans­form­ing the cran­ber­ries into pre­mium qual­ity juices for many years. Com­pared to other fruits and berries, moun­tain cran­ber­ries are dis­tin­guished by a high amount of sec­ondary plant com­pounds, in par­tic­u­lar proan­tho­cyani­dins (PAC). 

Hemp, al­though known to mankind for thou­sands of years, has yet to find its way into our juices – un­til now! In this new and in­no­v­a­tive juice blend, we bring to­gether the best or­ganic moun­tain cran­ber­ries with Swiss hemp flower tea and a splash of date syrup to cre­ate a nat­ural – and fully le­gal – taste sen­sa­tion.

 Biotta Vi­tal Plus is avail­able in phar­ma­cies, drug­stores, health food stores and or­ganic food mar­kets.

Hemp flower tea, moun­tain cran­berry juice, date syrup, or­ange juice. From or­ganic farm­ing.

Nutritional value per 100 ml:
Energy170 kJ (40 kcal)
- of which saturates
0 g
0 g
- of which sugars
9.5 g
9.3 g
Proteins0.1 g
Salt0.02 g
Proanthocyanidins (PAC)428 mg

Al­ler­gens: Con­tains no al­ler­gens sub­ject to de­c­la­ra­tion.