Shot Immun Acerola-Echinacea

Strengthen your immune system the natural way

  • Supports the normal functioning of the immune system 

  • Natural, with no artificial additives 

  • Covers 50% of the daily vitamin C requirement 

  • Gentle processing without heat exposure

The Biotta Echi­nacea shot is the per­fect blend for shoring up your in­ner pro­tec­tive shield and sup­port­ing your body’s own de­fences in a nat­ural way. One Acerola-Echi­nacea shot cov­ers 50% of the daily vi­t­a­min C re­quire­ment of an adult.

El­der­berry juice*, ap­ple juice*, rasp­berry purée*, agave syrup*, acerola purée*, gin­ger juice*, echi­nacea ex­tract, lemon juice*. 

*Or­gan­i­cally grown.

Nutritional value per 100 ml:
Energy270 kJ (64 kcal)
Fat0 g
- of which sugars*
14 g
14 g
Protein1.2 g
Salt0.01 g
Vitamin C60 mg 
Echinacea extract166 mg

Al­ler­gens: Con­tains no al­ler­gens sub­ject to de­c­la­ra­tion.

To be en­joyed chilled.

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