Pomegranate Carrot Guava

A hint of guarana for an invigorating experience.



For any­one look­ing for a softer en­ergy kick: our smoothie com­bines fruity pome­gran­ate, crunchy car­rots and the ex­otic flavour of guava with the nat­ural caf­feine from guarana. It’s the ideal drink to get morn­ing grouches go­ing and is guar­an­teed to help you over­come the mid­day slump in no time at all.

Black car­rot juice*, pome­gran­ate juice*, ap­ple puree*, or­ange juice*, guava puree*, lemon juice*, guarana ex­tract pow­der*. 

Pas­teur­ized. *out of or­ganic farm­ing

Nutritional value per 100 ml:
Energy220 kJ (52 kcal)
- of which saturates
0 g
0 g
- of which sugars*
13 g
11 g
Proteins0 g
Salt0.03 g
*contains naturally occuring sugars

Al­ler­gens: Con­tains no al­ler­gens sub­ject to de­c­la­ra­tion.