Pineapple Banana

The creamy smoothie with an extra portion of tropical sunshine.



Ready for a trip through the jun­gle? We fol­low the call of the tou­can and roam through the lush fo­liage un­til we find the sweet­est ba­nanas and juici­est pineap­ples. In the mood for a trop­i­cal ad­ven­ture again? Then ven­ture into the jun­gle of shelves to treat your senses to a creamy-sweet flash­back. 

Or­ange juice*, pineap­ple juice*, ba­nana puree*, basil ex­tract*.

 Pas­teur­ized. *from or­ganic farm­ing

Nutritional value per 100 ml:
Energy240 kJ (58 kcal)
- of which saturates
0 g
0 g
- of which sugars*
14 g
12 g
Proteins0.5 g
Salt0.02 g
*contains naturally occuring sugars

Al­ler­gens: Con­tains no al­ler­gens sub­ject to de­c­la­ra­tion.