Orange Carrot Spirulina

A refreshing green mix.



This will pour some life into your glass: cit­rus-fresh or­ange and lime blended with the mild sweet­ness of cu­cum­ber and yel­low car­rot. With a hint of spir­ulina and the vi­t­a­min C power of acerola cherry to top it all off. Your mi­cronu­tri­ents and you – this smoothie will help re­store your har­mony.

Or­ange juice*, ba­nana puree*, yel­low car­rot juice*, basil-rose­mary ex­tract*, mango puree*, cu­cum­ber juice lac­tic fer­mented*, acerola puree*, lime juice*, lemon juice*, spir­ulina*

Pas­teur­ized. *from or­ganic farm­ing

Nutritional value per 100 ml:
Energy190 kJ (46 kcal)
- of which saturates
0 g
0 g
- of which sugars*
11 g
10 g
Proteins0.5 g
Salt0.02 g
Vitamin C12 mg
*contains naturally occuring sugars

This prod­uct is rich in nat­ural vi­t­a­min C