My Juice Day #1

For the first half of the day

  • Time out for body and mind

  • With tumeric and pepper

Strengthen your body aware­ness with reg­u­lar juice fast­ing days and en­joy a time-out for body and soul. With Biotta My Juice Day #1 and #2 it could­n’t be eas­ier. Juice #1 for the first half of the day gets your day off to a de­li­ciously fruity start while sup­ply­ing your body with op­ti­mal nu­tri­ents dur­ing the juice day. The light and fruity blend of mango, or­ange and car­rot is en­riched with turmeric, which has long been prized in natur­o­pathic med­i­cine for a va­ri­ety of ben­e­fits. Pep­per is also in­cluded in the mix to in­crease turmer­ic’s bioavail­abil­ity. Round­ing off My Juice Day #1 is a re­fresh­ing splash of cu­cum­ber juice.

Ap­ple juice, mango puree, verveine ex­tract, or­ange juice, yel­low car­rot juice, cu­cum­ber juice, lemon juice, turmeric, pep­per. From or­ganic farm­ing.

Energy140 kJ (32 kcal)
- of which saturates
0 g
0 g
- of which sugars*
8 g
7 g
Protein0 g
Salt0.03 g
*contains naturally occuring sugars

Al­ler­gens: Con­tains no al­ler­gens sub­ject to de­c­la­ra­tion.