Mango Passion Fruit

The classic combination – tropical, fruity, irresistible.



Small, yel­low and gone faster than any­one else can say “Cheers!” Our mango and pas­sion fruit smoothie com­bines the sunny sweet­ness of ripe man­goes with the tangy flavour of pas­sion fruit. This de­li­cious trop­i­cal recipe was a hit with us right from the start, and no well-stocked fridge should be with­out it. Will you show us yours?

Mango puree, ap­ple juice, ba­nana puree, el­der­flower in­fu­sion, or­ange juice, pas­sion­fruit juice. From or­ganic farm­ing.

Nutritional value per 100 ml:
Energy220 kJ (53 kcal)
- of which saturates
0 g
0 g
- of which sugars*
13 g
12 g
Proteins0 g
Salt0.01 g
*contains naturally occuring sugars

Al­ler­gens: Con­tains no al­ler­gens sub­ject to de­c­la­ra­tion.