Mango Carrot Ginger

The vitamin-packed drink with three different intensities.



Take a sip and savour it for a mo­ment. Which flavours do you recog­nise first? Is it the sweet­ness of mango? The earthy, sub­tle taste of car­rot? Or the del­i­cate spici­ness of gin­ger? This smoothie is not only known for keep­ing tongues busy – it is also rich in vi­t­a­min A and vi­t­a­min C. 

Or­ange juice*, car­rot juice*, mango puree*, ba­nana puree*, pas­sion fruit juice*,
acerola puree*, gin­ger juice*, lemon juice*, lemon juice con­cen­trate*. 

Pas­teur­ized. *from or­ganic farm­ing

Nutritional value per 100 ml:
Energy190 kJ (46 kcal)
- of which saturates
0 g
0 g
- of which sugars*
11 g
10 g
Proteins0 g
Salt0.04 g
Vitamin C12 mg
Vitamin A20 µg
*contains naturally occuring sugars

This prod­uct is rich in nat­ural vi­t­a­min C and vi­t­a­min A from beta-carotene.